The tepee was the heart of our ceremonial space. Over five intense days we received eight 'karpays' - direct transmissions of power to build energy for our evolution and capacity to hold new consciousness.
First, Mosok Karpay, the 'new rite' that aligns the healing lineage of the Inca with the new times in which we live.
Don Basilio built a despacho or 'medicine wheel' and called on the support of the natural world. Don David cleared our energy, using the most powerful and sacred tool of Peruvian shamanism, a condor feather. Whooooooo! And so our hearts and hands were aligned and all the chakras were worked.
During the next few days we travelled together through ceremonies of connection and reciprocity with Pachamama, rites of healing, expanding the divine feminine in each of us, and later, calling the high mountains for support, linking with our inner masculine energy.
In the watery world of Byron Bay, wind and the sea danced a powerful duet off the Lighthouse. rainbows came and went and cleansing rains poured down.
Another ceremony connected us with the plains and valleys of the Altiplano and empowered our Mesas or 'medicine bundles' containing the precious shamanic objects that each of us brought to the retreat.
Kurak Akullek Karpay linked us to to the sun, moon and stars and to the lineage of elders who can 'masticate' the old wisdom and turn it into nourishment for the young ones who follow. Completing our cosmic journey, the God Rite joined us directly with the universe and with Wiracocha, the Creator.
At each ceremony, our hopes, dreams and intentions were energetically incorporated in the despacho and our blocks, barriers and inhibitions were swept away and destroyed by fire.
The effects of these powerful ceremonies have continued. Many thanks for the generosity of Don Basilio, Don David and our hosts, Gerard and Tanya